Short answer; "yep"
Sales of our famous sausage rolls outnumber or next selling line by over 3 to 1!
The secret is in the process. Without giving to much away, the way we treat the mixture from the wholesome ingredients we use, the precise mix of beef and lamb and the aeration we achieve in the production, coupled with perfect flaky puff pastry: result in the best sausage rolls around.
We complete this little masterpiece with golden egg wash, and cook it to just the right consistency where we have to fight off our bakers not to indulge right there.
How far this legacy roams is only limited by the customers we supply around Victoria. How far it can go, is boundless and is something we are currently working towards. Discussions with a national distributor are underway so hopefully the whole of Australia can be tempted and treated to this deceptively simple anytime delicious meal.
So whether you are a cafe, bar, bistro, caterer, foodie or just someone who loves a sensational sausage roll, check our website to get yours today.